A Local Church Ministry
Building Tomorrow's Church is a conference ministry of Grace Covenant Church in Gilbert, Arizona. Grace Covenant Church is a reformed baptist church, subscribing to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith as the best summary of what Scripture teaches.
BTC is not a stand-alone parachurch organization, but it is one of the many ministries of GCC Gilbert. The BTC planning committee is comprised solely of members of GCC Gilbert and is under the direct oversight of the GCC elders. In fact, we are thankful to have both elders and deacons involved in the organization of each conference as members of the BTC planning committee.
The BTC planning committee works hard throughout the year to organize and execute and enjoyable conference each summer, all to the glory of God and for the good of Christ's church. Connect with us here.
David Giarrizzo
Founder, Director
Kelly Gonzales
“The attentiveness to detail and doctrine make this a highlight for all who attend. We are thankful for all who work so hard to put this together.””